June 14, 2011


No, I'm not talking about the awkward kind where you vibrate your lips and make weird sounds... (even trying to describe it sounds awkward...) I'm talking 'bout THIS kind:

Woah. Don't those look delicious? Yeah, I know they do. And I ate them ALL for my lunch today. Well, not all of them, but a good amount. Check out how friggin GIGANTIC they are!!!

That is one massive raspberry, and that isn't even the largest one! Needless to say, they were delicious and I gobbled mine down in no time at all. Om nom nom...

True to my word, I got off my lazy bum and PRACTICED yesterday! *silent applause* Nothing to strenuous, just a simple warm-up followed by my Lutgen Vocalises and some interval exercises. I should take a picture of where I have to practice when I'm at home. You would all weep with sadness at the smallness of the space, the electric keyboard, and the fact that there is a gigantic map of the Gulf Coast of Texas right above the keyboard. To make matters worse, I have to awkwardly face away from the wall while singing or else the sound bounces back to me too quickly and my eardrums bleed. Not a pretty sight, to be sure!

BUT, I didn't practice today. *boo hisssss* I actually ended up at my grandparent's house this afternoon to work on some of the furniture that I'll be taking back to the Wack with me in August. I sanded my dresser, filled in all the nooks and nail holes with wood putty, painted the dresser, sanded the chairs for the dining set, and then painted those too. You'll never guess the name of the paint I used. ULTRA PURE WHITE. Yes, folks, that's an actual paint color. What is this world coming tooooooooo? All in all, it was a very productive afternoon and I'll hopefully have pictures for you when I finish with all of my furniture!

I'm off to write a classy literary analysis!

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