June 30, 2011

June Bug

Okay, okay! It's been a while. But I've been a wee bit busy, you know, singing and...stuff. Mostly stuff. Here's the low-down:

Summer Skool
Yes, I know you're jealous. I get to write 4 essays and go to 2.25 hours of class a day. It's awesome. Who needs sleeping in and the beach when you can have a freezing cold classroom and boredom. Yeah, be jealous.

So as you may know, I tore my meniscus right before Spring Break this year, and I wasn't cleared by my doctor to run until the start of summer. When I was cleared, the PT suggested that I follow the c25k plan. All of those crazy letters actually stand for "Couch Potato to 5K," which is a fancy title for "getyourbuttofthecouchandlearntorun." I'm currently working on my second round of Week 3; in order to insure that I'm not injuring myself again, if I feel even the slightest amount of fatigue in my knees, I re-do the week. Sure, it might take a long time, but I'd really not like to tear my meniscus again, no thanks.
This is what happens when it's humid and I run outside.
Embrace the blurriness of this photo.
Embrace the awkward face I'm making
Embrace the white-girl fro.

Om nom nomming
I like food so naturally, I've been a bit busy in the kitchen this summer! This week alone I made muffins, pancakes, and delicious raspberry tarts with a nommy whipped cream. I fully intend on making the tarts again. In fact, they were so good that my family ate them all before I had the chance to take a picture! So instead, I will delight your eyes with pictures of my brancakes (that's bran-pancakes for those of you who didn't know). They tasted terrible. But they looked darn good.
The bananas are happy to see you! (Please enjoy how creepily awkward that last statement was)
Yummo? Not so much...

Bird Sitting...
So I've been bird sitting for a family I know. Thank goodness the birds are low-maintenance because I don't think I could handle a crazy Alfred Hitchcock-esque sitting job. However, one of the birds was looking a bit funky, so Hannah and I just HAD to draw a picture of it.
Isn't it cute? Yeah, I know I suck at drawing. Don't judge.
Hannah decided that she needed to draw a gangster bird.
She told me that he was too cool for me to comprehend.
Must be true because I just don't get it...

So that's basically my month of June in a nutshell. I hope I find more to blog about in July (Like MY BIRTHDAY) that will be slightly more entertaining.

Keep those birds classy, folks.

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