February 16, 2011

Window Licking

I am entirely consumed by the French language. Not only am I required to attend French class for an hour each day, but I also am forced by the School of Music to participate in one extra hour of torture every Tuesday and Thursday that is known to the unsuspecting masses as French Diction (insert horror movie score here). You thought using the IPA to translate the phonetics of English and Italian was bad; a French word can literally be 10 letters long and only be one sound. Yeaouxh (that's "yeah" for all of you out there not taking this horrible class). But, if we wern't miserable enough, we have a test tomorrow in French Diction that consists of all of the French vowel sounds. There's like 50. And by 50 I mean 15, but still.

If you're reading this, Dr. Williamson, I really love you, and I think French is awesome. I just wish I could learn by osmosis.

Anyway, as far as my French language class goes, I highly reccomend. Not only will you be forced to leave the realms of English-only society, but you get more value for your educational value. For instance, last week our professor informed the ladies of the room that in France, "if you go number two, don't smile." Today he told us that this strange habit of women to do what is called "window shopping" in America is fondly reffered to as "faire du lèche-vitrine" in France. Which also means "to lick windows" in English. Arent' the French a classy people?

Why the picture of the squirrel, you ask? My French professor is compleatly obsessed with them. Seriously, the man uses squirrels in almost every example and on every test and quiz there is a picture of a squirrel somewhere on there. It's pretty legit. But what is most importiant about all of this is that our class is dying to get M. Thilges a squirrel statue, so if you know where to find one, please comment below. Thanks.

Because I have failed to blogg in forever, many of you may be missing out on the miracle that occured in Waco two Thursdays ago:

It snowed.
School just got cancelled and the roads were frozen and and my three tests got cancelled and stuff. Nobigdeal. Anyway, as you can tell, I was pretty excited to get out into the frozen percipitation and play. And throw snowballs at Zane.
Basically, I should have been cast in the Matrix. Because I am that awesome.
 Pretty much, it was the best day ever. Sorry to all of my Houstonian friends who got to miss school because.... Well, I'm not rightly sure why everyone down there cancelled classes. There wasn't any snow :P

J'ai etudie francais. Au revoir, mes puces! Au revoir!

Oh, and keep it klassy, my little fleas!

February 1, 2011

This Weather: Gotta Go

So anyone who's been outside in the past 16 hours has noticed the freak weather change that has affected most of Texas. And by freak I mean:


Not okay, Texas, not okay. But, as much as I dislike the cold, there have been snow flurries gracefully fluttering down, down, down all over campus today, causing a majority of my professors to freak out a little, and for six out of my ten million classes to be cancelled. Can you say, "happy day!?" So, that monster French test I was supposed to take tomorrow morning: postponed until further notice. Vocal Music Hour: cancelled. Studio Class: cancelled. French Diction: well, Dr. Williamson didn't leave her house today, so most definitely cancelled! What all does this mean? It means I get to sleep a little before the weather calms down and my life begins to be crazy again.

Side note: I am rejoicing today for the fact that, not only are my classes cancelled, I've only seen two people wearing leggings today. And both of them were running for cross country practice. Oh, and one was a dude. Not on my top ten list of things to see before I die. Not at all.

If this happens tomorrow, I think I might cry with happiness!
I was asked today by a friend of mine, "What happens to the animals at the zoo when the weather gets terribly bad like it is today?" I was baffled. What do they do with the animals at the zoo when it's snowing. I mean, it's not like Bengal tigers are built for the snow, or anything. And think of the poor monkeys. They're from AFRICA for goodness sake! So, if classes are cancelled tomorrow and the roads aren't too icy (ha. ha.) I plan to travel to the zoo and inquire about the animals. If the zoo is open. Which it probably won't be, but who knows? The college kids who work at Cameron Park have to make a living, too!