September 9, 2011

Je ne sais pas.

Oh my goodness, Friday at last! Who would have thought that a 4-day week could move as slow as a glacier? Right now I'm in the library enjoying a Soy Vanilla Latte and writing this post instead of practicing, studying or doing anything else that could be mildly productive. Actually, this week has, for the most part, been mildly unproductive. I'm a good student, I promise, but sometimes I just get bit by the procrastination bug. Maybe I was just too productive over the summer? I don't know.

Anyway, the real reason I'm not practicing right now is because I have a 4-hour rehearsal for choir tonight, and I'd rather not over-work myself. I'm not even sure I'll sing much at said rehearsal, but most of the people in choir have caught the PLAGUE that is afflicting the majority of Baylor's population, so it will probably be obvious if I'm just mouthing the words.

Last night I went to Katie's Custard with Amy, Janna, and my lovely roommate Rheagan to get FREE FROZEN CUSTARD. Best. Idea. Ever. Amy got a shiny new automobile this past weekend, so she drove us over there, and to show off her aaaahmazing sound system, we listened to Dubstep. I am so hooked. If you are like me and live under a rock, you probably have never heard of the genre before. That's okay. Just go look up the song "Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites" by Skrillix. Now.

Please enjoy this picture of the boyfrann eating a sandwich.

Time for class! Keep it classy, sandwich eaters!

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