March 28, 2011

Amy's Purls

Hear ye, hear ye!
 My best good friend, Miss Amy, has recently become inspired to start a blog. She knits a lot. Currently, she and I are in a trade agreement. I'm painting her a lovely series of paintings for her room next year and she's knitting me some wonderful winter woolies to help me bear the freezing winter here in Wacko Waco. Yes, folks, it actually DOES get freakin' cold in Texas. Anyway, you should totally check her out at Amy's Purls, and while you're at it, "like" her Facebook page or even order one of her fantastic headbands, earmuffs, hair clips, or beanies! Totes presh.

Amy, dear, I hope you appreciate this free publicity. Obviously, since I have sooooo many followers, people are going to flood to your Facebook page and buy you out of yarn. Speaking of which, if you aren't doing so already, you should totally follow my blog and become an official "Super Stalker" of the wonderful and amazing ME! *DISCLAIMER: Solange is normally not this narcissistic but has recently consumed more than 3 cups of coffee, so watch out world, here I come!*

I apologise for not being more diligent with my posts on this loverly blog, but being a music major is super-duper stressful! For all of you out there who laugh at the thought of going to a school of higher education to study music, I encourage you stuff your throat with socks and count to 1,000,000,000 before removing them.

Moving on from that random outburst of violence...

I've gone for 3 entire weeks without a piece of meat passing my lips, and even though I felt like I was going to die for about the first week of Lent, this no-meat diet has had far more benefits than not-benefits. Before you get all judgemental and start ranting and raving about how I am using Lent as an excuse to go on a diet: hear me out. I am in college, therefore I eat like a teenage boy most of the time and make poor health decisions. Thus, the giving up of meat is forcing me to eat more green leafy things (nom nom nom) thus chosing much better eating habits.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, but how does faith in God come into this?
Hold your horses, I'm getting there! By making better eating choices, I am becoming more healthy, thus treating my body better and building a better temple of worship for the Lord. If you don't believe me about this being Biblical, check out this site. Totally empowering.

Now, it is getting a bit late and I have a workout to get to at 6 tomorrow morning! So, here's a piece of greenery to help you keep it klassy!

This is my father. Holding a lot of lettuce. Itsn't it charming?


  1. You rock! You're the best! and of course, I love you! :)

  2. Love! Nom Nom Nom ;)That is one modelesc picture of yo Daddy!
